Hi classmates!
- Class List: contains a complete list of the known status of all classmates. We have email addresses for most of the class, and mailing addresses for more. The Class List page will tell you who we have addresses for and who we don't, and provide links to the Bio page.
- Biographies: We have set up a Bio page with a few words about where we are and what we are doing. Please send in a few words to tell us about yourself. (See Contact)
- Deceased: contains a list of our SOS classmates.
- Contact Us: Shows how you can send us new information such as address, phone number, or email address changes.
- Photo Gallery and Archives : pictures of various reunions and parties over the years, as well as a bunch of stuff (Archives) that we may want to keep!
- Class Fund: Contains information and forms which you may use to contribute to our class endowment fund for the college.
- Links: contains "Links" to other web sites which we thought you might find interesting and/or useful.
- News: Contains anything important added to the pages.
A Brief History of the Site
5986 Neil Carscadden designed and launched a website for our class just about as soon as the internet would handle it! His diligence and talent ensured that we were well-served by a colourful, pertinent source of information for many years. With his untimely passing in May 2014 , the site was maintained by Keith Carscadden until our big reunion that year.
At that point, the consensus was that we should maintain the site within the grad class, rather than impose upon relatives over the long term. 6150 André Lemieux took over the job as webmaster, refreshing the design and getting it ready for the 21st Century. 6268 John Leech volunteered as assistant webmaster (and contributed not very much except occasional long-distance encouragement).
During the past year, we have come to the understanding that none of us is getting any younger! We were coached through details by Dave Barrett (Jim’s son), considered the company that was already looking after the RMC Club site and eventually entrusted the site to the company who had been hosting it for several years. EZ Web Inc has revamped the site to its current modern state. John Leech will continue to vet material for posting, looking eventually for the best way to see that it remains a valuable contribution to our class cohesion.
A big ‘thank you’ to all those who have contributed to this effort over the years.